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Healthy Child Healthy World describes PVC (POLY VINYLE CHLORIDE) as the most toxic plastic. Also vinyl chloride, the chemical used to make PVC, has been described as Cancerous by the World health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer.
Vinyl plastic products expose children and all of us to harmful chemical additives Such as phthlates, lead, cadmium and organotins.
Vinyl plastics cause allergic reactions to skin.
PVC has been banned or restricted in a number of countries around the world, Such as Canada, EU countries, Spain South Korea and the Czech Republic.
Pvc being made up of synthetic polymers release harmful toxins, additives and other concentrated reactants. These when reached in contact with our skin can adversely impact it by reacting heavily with the tissues. Even prolonged exposure to PVC and other chemical related products can lead to cancer.
Apart from PVC manufacturing and usage, its disposal is also a great concern to the environment. It is the largest source of dioxin-forming chlorine and phthalates which leads to skin lesions and can further impact our nervous, reproductive and immune function. PVC is also a major source of lead in wastes and the disposed of PVC releases a high amount of toxins which increase human exposure risks.
In simple words, if we let it decompose in the soil then it won't be able to decompose instead leading to soil pollution and burning it will cause the emission of harmful, poisonous gases which will contribute to air pollution.
Furthermore, the major concern with PVC based clothing is they are highly inflammable due to the presence of chemicals in them. So, it is dangerous to wear them while you are nearby the fire. So yeah, kitchen and bonfires are complete no-nos if you are wearing PVC based clothing.
In conclusion, we should look for eco-friendly and green alternatives for the PVC based products to fulfil our needs and wants of ourselves and simultaneously we will be making sustainable choices toward healthy, clean and pollution-free Earth.